The many ways the female mosquito differs from the male

Contrary to what most people think, not all types of mosquito suck blood. It has been scientifically established that it is only the female mosquito that sucks blood, and when she does, she would leave an itchy and sometimes painful bump on the surface of the host’s skin. Certain nutrients contained in your blood enables them produce eggs in sufficient number. Listed below are some of the many ways the female mosquito differs from the male.The many ways the female mosquito differs from the male


The male can be easily identified with an antennae so filled with flagella (hairs) that an untrained eyes would think the antennae is completely covered in hair. The flagella is basically a collection of hair that enables the mosquito (male) to hear. Without these sensitive set of hairs, it would be near impossible for the male to locate a female. On the other hand, the antennae of the female mosquito has less hairs as the male’s. Her antennae acts more like a nose with which she uses to track her host.


Female mosquitoes are way bigger than the male


Whenever you hear a mosquito buzz, 100% of the times, it is a female.


Male mosquitoes have a shorter lifespan than the female. The lifespan of the female is dependent on her specie. However, averagely, the female mosquito lives up to 4 weeks while the male barely lives up to three weeks.

Human interaction

It is only the females who make contact with humans. The males are not to be feared because they prefer to keep to themselves. Mosquitoes should be kept away by all means because they carry with deadly disease like yellow fever, the newly popular zika, and of course malaria. There are a variety of methods out there aimed at deterring and killing mosquito’s. When in search of a repellent be weary of those containing DEET or any other possibly harmful pesticides. 

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