The Zika virus is carried and transmitted by the Aedes mosquito species. The virus is passed on to human beings through bites from the host mosquito. Before the year 2015, cases of the virus were rare and scarcely reported in places like Asia and Africa. But from 2015, Brazil has recorded over a million cases of the virus. It is also been noted by WHO that the virus is actually spreading to many other countries.
As stated earlier, Zika virus is passed on to human beings through an Aedes mosquito infected by the virus. The Asian tiger mosquito is an example of mosquitoes that spread this virus. Yellow fever, Chikungunya virus and the dengue virus are other diseases transmitted by this species of mosquitoes.
The Centre for Disease Control has noted four significant ways by which the Zika virus is being transferred. They are:
- Bites from the Aedes mosquitoes
- In the course of blood transfusion: As at early 2016, a good number of cases involving the transmission of the virus through blood transfusions, though not in the US, have been reported.
- Through the womb: A child can get infected with the virus while in the womb or during childbirth if his mother is also infected. So far, there has been no report of transmission to suckling by breastfeeding.
- Through sexual activities: Most of those who transmit the Zika virus to their sexual partners often show no symptoms prior to the transmission. Intensive research is still ongoing to determine the length of period of survival of the virus in the body fluids of those infected because the virus is easily transmitted between sex mates during exchange of body fluids (and intercourse).
Symptoms accompanying an infection with the Zika virus usually last up to seven days (sometimes less) after bites, are comparatively mild and commonly require little or no medical attention. A few of these symptoms as listed by the CDC include conjunctivitis, headache, and pains in the joint, rash on skin, fever and pain in the muscles.
Though mild, some of these symptoms are suggestively linked with certain health troubles that may be considered long – term. Certain birth related defects such as microcephaly in newborns and the Guillain – Barre syndrome (a disorder of the immune system) began to emerge in locations where the Zika virus was initially confirmed. The link between microcephaly and the virus was discovered by the PAHO (Pan American Health Organization).
As with a lot other viruses transmitted by mosquitoes, Zika virus is usually contracted by people visiting locations where the virus is endemic who pass it on to others in their residential locality. This is the prevailing mode by which the virus is being spread in certain locations in the US such as the southeastern regions.
Only roughly about two out of ten people develop symptoms when infected with Zika virus. Infection with the virus is effectively managed by adequate rest and proper hydration of the body system because there are currently no immunization and medication for curing it. It is important for travellers to look up areas known to be infected with the virus on the CDC website and visit a healthcare provider if symptoms resembling those of Zika develop after visit to such areas.
Preventing the multiplication of the virus as well as its carrier is also an effective method for control since no vaccine is available against the virus.
The habitats and favorite breeding spots of the mosquitoes should be eliminated by
- Getting rid of all stagnant water bodies including those in containers and gutters,
- Keeping decorative water features and pools dynamic and treated,
- Constantly changing stored water.
It is also important to close crevices or spaces in walls, windows, screens and doors to prevent the mosquitoes from entering ones place of residence.
To avoid being bitten by the host mosquito if their population cannot be effectively minimized in an environment, it is important to
- Cover the entire body with proper clothing
- Protect areas that cannot be covered by clothing with mosquito repellents registered by the EPA.